Find out if you are a good candidate for laser vision correction


Answering these questions will help us determine if you are a good candidate for laser correction.

Test u kojem utvrđujemo jeste li kandidat za lasersko skidanje dioptrije sadrži 10 jednostavnih pitanja i za rješavanje testa potrošit ćete manje od dvije minute vašeg vremena.

Vaši odgovori na ova pitanja pomoći će nam ustanoviti jeste li dobar kandidat za lasersku korekciju vida.


How old are you?

You have trouble seeing: *

Do you have astigmatism? *

You wear: *

Has your diopter changed in the past year? *

Do you have any of these eye diseases? *

Do you have any of these systemic illnesses?

Are you pregnant? *
Do you breastfeed? *
What is the main reason why you want the laser vision correction? *

How did you find out about us?

Name and surname: * Please enter your first and last name!

Date of birth: * Please enter your date and year of birth!

Phone: * Please enter your phone number!

Address Please enter your Address!

E-mail: * Please enter your e-mail address!

Vaš upit je zaprimljen! Hvala Vam na povjerenju!

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