Find out if you are a good candidate for laser vision correction


Answering these questions will help us determine if you are a good candidate for laser correction.


How old are you?

You have trouble seeing: *

Do you have astigmatism? *

You wear: *

Has your diopter changed in the past year? *

If you are a good candidate, when you would like to have surgery? *

Do you have any of these eye diseases? *

Do you have any of these systemic illnesses?

Are you pregnant? *
Do you breastfeed? *
What is the main reason why you want the laser vision correction? *

How did you find out about us?

Name and surname: Please enter your first and last name!

Date of birth: Please enter your date and year of birth!

Phone: Please enter your phone number!

City: Please enter city you live in!

E-mail: Please enter your e-mail address!

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