Ph.D. Nadežda Bilić, MD, specialist ophthalmologist


MD, specialist ophthalmologist


Dr. Bilić was born on May 1, 1952 in Nikšić. Primary, Secondary School and Faculty of Medicine she attended at University of Zagreb, and graduated in Zagreb in 1976.

After she finished hers internship, Dr. Bilić continues to specialize in ophthalmology at the KB Sisters of mercy, where she is employed at the Clinic for Ophthalmology after graduation. In further improvement in ophthalmology, Dr. Bilić was in 1981 on subspecialist training in the area of the anterior segment and eye, and microchirurgies of the eye at the Georgetown University Hospital, Washington D.C., USA for a period of four months. In addition to the specialized subspecialist improvement, she was involved in several scientific projects at the National Eye Institute, Bethesda, Washington, D.C. During the subspecialisation period of three months at the “Universität Augenklinik”, Tubingen, Germany, she had education in the field of inflammatory changes in the eye, immunology and eye microsurgery. Also she was on shorter education at clinics in Barcelona, Sidney, Moscow, Nica etc.

In the Clinic for ophthalmology, which is the part of the Clinical hospital of Sisters of mercy, she worked for 20 years as an eye specialist with a narrower area of interest for the front eye segment, the microsurgery of the front Eye Segment, Contact Lenses and Uveitis. During the last 15 years she participated in teaching at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, leading seminars and exercises for students. She participated in the training of the residents in ophthalmology, as well as young specialist ophthalmologists.

At the same institution, after passing the specialist exam in ophthalmology she made her master degree in 1983. and in 1986. she finished the Ph.D. on the topic “Electrophysiological Study of Diabetic Retinopathy” and was one of the founders and head of the unit for electrophysiology of the eye.

Also, for 10 years she lead the department for inflammatory diseases of the anterior eye segment at the Eye Clinic of KB Sisters of Mercy in Zagreb, Croatia.

1996 dr. Nadežda Bilić decided to leave public health and founded hers own private Ophthalmic polyclinic at Ksaverska cesta 45 in Zagreb. After four years of work, prompted by the needs of hers patients for high quality glasses and contact lenses, in March 2000. Dr Bilić expands the activity of Bilić Vision polyclinic, with exclusive medical, optic activity and establishes “Bilić Vision Optika” in Kaptol Center, Nova Ves 11. Optical shop is designed functionally and aesthetically according to the latest state-of-the-art standards. Polyclinic and Optical shop are closely related and the quality of service is evenly balanced thanks to the professional leadership of dr.Nadežda Bilić. Dr. Nadežda Bilić has been working as an expert and ophthalmologist for a number of years, contributing with knowledge in solving numerous complex cases of ophthalmology. For several years she has been a lecturer in the field of ophthalmology on continuing training of a doctor, organized by the Medical School and National Health School Andrija Štampar, in cooperation with the Croatian Society for Medical Examination and the Chamber of Physicians. She also holds lectures in ophthalmology as part of the postgraduate study of Occupational Medicine at Andrija Štampar School of Public Health. She is the lecturer on numerous forums – a geriatric panel at the Croatian Institute for Public Health, diabetes association, association for myastenia gravis and many others. She wrote for their professional journals numerous texts and expert articles with the aim of preventing eye damage in certain diseases and in older age. For many years she was court expert in ophthalmology and lecturer to many younger doctors in that field. In 2003, Polyclinic in the Ksaverska Street 45, outgrown with three departments for the anterior and posterior eye segment, a laser treatment unit for various eye diseases, a state of the art surgery room, ultrasonic diagnostics, glaucoma and other ocular eye diseases. Dr.Bilić continuously raises hers level of knowledge participating in numerous domestic and foreign congresses as a lecturer or participant, as well as her associates, sending them to seminars and congresses. She organized and holds alone, or in co-operation with various experts continuous education of hers medical staff. Thus it improves the quality of the service for the patients and enables the profiling of the Bilić Vision Polyclinic to the very top of the Croatian ophthalmology. The Polyclinic cooperates with elite doctors from the country and abroad who occasionally perform the most desirable surgical procedures at our facility. In February 2004, MD Ph.D. Nadežda Bilić completes the Visumed eye refractive surgery academy in Cologne, Germany. After that she began to undergo refractive surgery as the first female refractive surgeon in Croatia. In addition to being one of the initiators of this method in Croatia, mastering laser dioptre removal techniques, she completes the offer of treatment options for refractive eye surgery in the Bilić Vision Polyclinic. In 2006, the Polyclinic opened its technologically advanced ophthalmological office at the Public Health Institute of the City of Zagreb, Mirogojska 16. During several years of activity, there were systematic examinations, driver reviews, regular reviews of people working in the field of ionizing radiation, pilots, firearms, students and others. During 2006, Polyclinic doctors are actively participating in international congresses – the European Contact Lens Congress (Dubrovnik, September 2006),presenting the results of their research routinely carried out during their daily work. Congress of Croatian Ophthalmology Society with International Participation (Primošten, 2006) , and Croatian Geriatric Congress (Opatija, 2006). Dr.Bilić participated and attended several subspecialist courses from the anterior segment of the eye and refractive surgery at the World Ophthalmologic Congress in Sao Paulo, Brazil in February 2006, and during the next few years she was a lecturer or participant at European and domestic Cataract and refractive surgery surgeon congresses. During 2010. and 2012. the Polyclinic is spatially and technologically expanding at the same location, introducing new laser technology for laser dioptrical removal, new surgical instruments for the posterior eye surgery. In May of 2014. dr. Nadežda Bilić, participated as a lecturer at the HOD Congress in Dubrovnik with the topic of laser solving monovision presbyopia. 2015, 2016 and 2017, dr. Nadežda Bilić participates in the work of the European Congress for Cataract and Refractive Surgery in London, Barcelona and Lisbon. In Barcelona, she was invited as a lecturer on the organization of small medical institutions. 2015., 2016. i 2017. godine dr. sc. Nadežda Bilić sudjeluje u radu Europskog kongresa za kirurgiju katarakte i refraktivnu kirurgiju u Londonu, Barceloni i Lisabonu. U Barceloni je bila pozvani predavač na temu organizacije malih medicinskih ustanova. Member of ESCRS (European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery) and HOD (Croatian Society of cataract and refractive surgery) Award for Excellence – Nadežda Bilić NAJ DOKTOR (BEST DOKTOR-by patients choice) in the year 2016 and 2017. In 2018. dr Bilić actively participated at the European congressess for cataract and refractive surgery in Belgrade and Wiena.


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