The ISO 9001: 2015 certification has quickly became an recognizable sign of companies that pay special attention to the quality of their products and / or services in their business, because it is well known that what the customer most remembers is precisely the quality.

The Bilić Vision Polyclinic can be proud that it has ISO 9001 quality certification in the segment of providing health services, since 2011.
In accordance with the ISO 9001 standard, we continued to develop a quality control system at our institution in order to better recognize and meet the demands and expectations of our patients. The system introduces the identification and systematic documentation of business processes and measurement, analysis and performance systems for business improvement. By introducing this system, we have tried to streamline the business processes within the Polyclinic.
By setting up a management system in accordance with ISO standards, we achieved stability and reliability in process development, customer recognition, cost reduction, positive public image and employee motivation.
According to the mission and vision of our Polyclinic, we are continuously working on the improvement of work processes and the quality of services we provide to our patients by introducing ISO 9001 standards.
Judging by the continuous growth in the number of new patients and surgical interventions in the Polyclinic in recent years, it is obvious that this quality is recognized.

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